Turkish & French


All Turkish and French classes are very busy preparing for the primary concert. The students are excited for the big day.

Grade 1 French students had an incursion planned and they invited the Turkish and Arabic classes to join them in this interactive incursion.

“C’est Si Bon!” Music and Dance Incursion

On Tuesday 25th July, year 1 and year 7 French students enjoyed an engaging music and dance incursion at Keysborough campus. This incursion, presented with much energy and enthusiasm by Philippe Carroll from Global Grooves, was a vibrant and educational journey through the history of French music and dance. Students listened to folk songs from different regions of France, and joined in regional and medieval folk dances, such as Bouree and Lou Pripet (Languedoc).

Students had a great time singing in French, dancing and playing musical instruments.

French Incursion
French Incursion
Click images to enlarge


Year 1 Students learnt about days of the week & body parts in Arabic.

They are very busy practicing their performance for the primary concert. The students are very excited for the concert.

They have created their face posters and days of the week flower. Students can correctly identify all the vocabulary both verbally and in the written form.

Our LOTE department is very pleased to introduce our free trail Languagenut (online language program)

Learning languages is fun with Languagenut

Our students will start navigating around the different features and discover all the games and activities available in both Arabic and French.

Every student will receive a login details: Username & Password.

Please allow your child to use it at home.

Mrs Geehan
Arabic teacher